Year R
Our Intent:
At Ringwood Infant School we are dedicated to supporting our youngest pupils to become confident, resourceful, and self-motivated learners. We aspire to cultivate enthusiasm and pleasure in learning new things, and a sense of excitement and enjoyment in challenging themselves every day, thus laying the foundations for a lifetime love of learning.
We recognise that all learners are unique, and we embrace this by putting our children’s intrinsic motivations and interests at the heart of our pedagogy, provision and planning. Our engaging Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum captures children’s interests and builds solidly upon their prior experiences, meeting their ongoing priorities for learning and development in bespoke and meaningful ways. This ensures that every child is supported to reach their full potential.
Delivering an engaging and impactful curriculum for all of our learners, is a high priority for us, and fundamental to our approach is a set of four aspirational long-term outcomes. These‘Aspirations’ are underpinned by our ‘Footsteps to Success’, which identify highly progressive, un-themed, developmental steps in all areas of learning, and which ultimately lead to our aspirational outcomes. This is a versatile approach which enables us to personalise many aspects of our children’s learning, using meaningful contexts and engaging pathways for them to learn and apply their skills through their individual interests and motivations.
Please see below a copy of our Curriculum presentation, Aspirations, Footsteps to Success along and our half termly curriculum overviews.
Year R Curriculum Evening Presentation
Spotlight Learning Themes 2023-2024
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spr 1 - Themes OverviewSpr 2 - Themes Overview
Awaiting content
Spotlight Learning Themes 2022-2023
Autumn 1
Learning ObjectivesColour Monster Overview
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spotlight Learning Themes Overview
Spring 2
Spotlight Learning Themes Overview