Safeguarding Culture
Keeping Children Safe - Our Safeguarding Team
Keeping Children Safe (ID 1222)
Mrs Hilary SilkDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hilary Silk
Mr Andrew WebsterDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Andrew Webster
Mrs Juliet WicksteadDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Juliet Wickstead
Nothing is more important to us than the safety and welfare of our pupils and the whole Ringwood CE Infant School family. We take rigorous steps to ensure that children stay safe and do not come to any harm. We work closely with parents/carers and a range of professional external agencies in order to secure this.
If you have ANY concerns, no matter how small they may seem, about the safety or welfare of any child, please contact the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Silk or any member of our Safeguarding team.
Co-chairs of Governors email addresses:
Dani Davies
Jane Warwick
At Ringwood CE Infant School we actively seek to prevent safeguarding issues and are vigilant in our pursuit of keeping our children safe and happy. Our staff have regular training on identifying and reporting a safeguarding concern. We work with various national organisations such as the NSPCC, as well as local, professional bodies to ensure we follow best Safeguarding practices. We thoroughly vet all staff, governors, agency staff and volunteers, prior to allowing them to work or volunteer in school. The DSLs and Governors regularly monitor our safeguarding systems and culture to ensure all aspects of policy, process and procedures are adhered to. We monitor attendance to ensure that all pupils are safe and accounted for at all times, and that attendance concerns are dealt with swiftly. We teach our children to become safe and responsible online citizens, and to understand the importance of using technology safely and respectfully. We work to carry out our Prevent Duty with our children and families in an age-appropriate way, so pupils understand values such as tolerance and mutual respect.
Please see our Safeguarding Policies for more information.
Safeguarding Team
Mrs Silk is our school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mr Webster and Mrs Wickstead are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs).