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Ringwood Church of England Infant School

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Online Safety

Online Safety

At Ringwood CE Infant School, our online safety forms an important part of our Computing and PDL curriculum. We strive to ensure children understand the importance of using technology safely and respectfully. We aim for them to keep their own personal information private and be able to identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns. We want our children to develop online resilience to enable them to become safe and responsible internet users, no matter where they are, or what device they are on.

Keeping our children safe is a joint responsibility of all sectors of our community, including children, parents, staff and governors. If you have any concerns regarding apps or programmes etc., please do not hesitate to contact us.

The following links are from Hampshire Education, the first looks at online safety in Primary School and the second by parent zone and covers lots of topical online issues e.g. current apps.




Online-Safety (ID 1031)