Welcome to Ringwood Church of England Infant School
I would like to warmly welcome you to Ringwood CE Infant School, an outstanding school which provides an excellent education for your child.
The school and its community are very dear to me and I continue to strive to embrace the challenge of sustaining the school’s superb reputation and standards, all of which we have been so proud of for many years and are founded on our strong Christian Ethos.
I believe children are lifelong learners and as such we need to work together to nurture and help them to grow into confident well rounded citizens of the future. I am committed to providing an outstanding education for your child, to foster a love for learning and develop their enquiring minds. I firmly believe that we need to work in partnership with each other, in order to provide your child with the very best start to their education.
The whole team at Ringwood CE Infant School is passionate about providing your child with an education which is creative, exciting and innovative. I am dedicated to working with the staff and Governing Body to continue to provide a first class education where every child thrives and makes the best of every opportunity presented to them.
We hope you enjoy exploring our website. If you would like a free paper copy of any of the documents shown, please contact the School Office.
We look forward to working with you, your family and the community in partnership, so that your child can flourish at Ringwood CE Infant School.
Mrs Hilary Silk